Monday, June 28, 2010

The final sum-up!

I am VERY sorry that it has been so delayed, but here it is, my final blog post about my amazing Spain experience.  If you have been following me at all, you know already that I had the best time possible overseas, took advantage of everything I possibly could, and just generally had a blast in a foreign country (who could ask for more?).  So I think that I have talked enough about that.  What I am going to do in my final post is talk a little bit about acclimating to life back in the U. S. of A.

They always say that it will be a struggle to readjust, but until you actually do come back it is very easy to shrug that off with an "well that won't happen to me."  It will.  I think it would be nearly impossible to be away for over 5 months in a completely different country and not have a little bit of culture shock upon re-entering your old life. It doesn't mean that you have to spend days holed up in your room crying about the culture you left behind and how much you miss it, but there are just little readjustments that I discovered from the moment I walked in the door and some that continue up until today, almost a month after my return.

For starters, it is the little things that you don't even think about that shocked me.  Three minutes after entering my home for the first time in five months, I tried to switch on the light switch and simply could not do it!  The lights in Spain are completely different from those here, and though neither are complicated it definitely took me  along time to readjust. Additionally, I am still struggling with American money.  It just doesn't look or feel right!  My euros are so much more comfortable, and has anyone noticed recently how ridiculous dimes look?  I am just saying.

Other than those little things, the biggest readjustment is not being able to travel every weekend.  I was definitely burnt out by making so many travel plans by the last month, but I miss the ease of being able to hop on a bus and go see a fun and exciting town.  I unfortunately caught the dreaded travel bug (much to the distress of my father I believe) and cannot wait to go on my next adventure.  And can that be now?

I think I will stay stateside for a bit (after all I have a very exciting senior year ahead of me), but I wouldn't be surprised if there is soon a "Sam goes to Japan" or "Sam goes to Argentina" blog in my future... Hasta luego!!!

p.s.  Thank you all SO SO SO much for following.  You guys have been great and kept me wanting to report my adventures to you.  I appreciated so much the emails and comments you sent and just the fact that anyone was reading at all.  Thank you :)