Thursday, September 2, 2010

My very first apartment (in the states)!!

Hey!  So I know that this is not about Spain at all, but I thought some of you want to see some pictures of my new apartment, and maybe more people might!  So here they are if you are interested:
Welcome to our apartment!  We have the whole porch to ourselves.

Cute walkway leading up to our house :)

Aerial view of my bedroom!

My lovely futon bed, courtesy of the amazing Highley-Tate family!

Desk and sitting area

My lovely desk, courtesy of Dad!  Can you spot Gatsby (my catfish)  in the background?

My James bond photos and the beginning of my stairs.  I basically live in a library haha.  It is perfect.

My stairs! Note my Spanish blanket on the wall, slash covering up storage.

My world map!  Yes, I dorkily put in pins wherever I had traveled...

Our living room.  A LOT of decorating still has to occur, but this is a start.

Isn't it huge???

Dining area! 

Little kitchen, hard to get a good picture.

Part of Gina's room

Part of Amy's room.

Thats all for now!  Obviously there is still more work to be done, but we only moved in a week ago and we already are in love with it.  It is huge, quirky, and has a lot of character.  Perfect for us :)