Friday, February 5, 2010

Appreciating the little things.

As I have no substantive updates for the moment, I thought I would take this time to show you some of the little things that are easy to take for granted.  I am in Spain, an entire ocean away from home, in a new and exciting place, and sometimes it is hard for me to remember.  But when I take the time to look around me and see where I am, I realize what an amazing opportunity I have been given.

Everything in Spain is just a little bit different and more exciting.  To demonstrate this, I took some pictures on my walk back home from school to show tiny yet amazing things that I pass everyday at least twice and need to start appreciating.  I never want to stop being thankful for studying in a foreign country.  Ever.

Right on my university campus, a gorgeous orange tree in a courtyard.  
People love to walk their dogs all the time on campus too.  It is adorable!

A nice view of the street I walk on, but also look at the box holding the tree.  Even something as simple as that is more intricate!

Palm trees!  Enough said.

This is not a great picture, but the lightposts here are AWESOME and quite pretty.

A lottery stand.  Most people would just throw up a little wooden structure, but look at what a great stand this is!  Lottery here is HUGE.

My bird fountain.  Fountains here are also very popular.  In the day, they are always running and quite pretty, but at night they are lit up with different colored lights depending on the fountain.  I have yet to capture a good picture of the nighttime effects yet.

It is rather difficult to make out, but in the background is a snow-covered mountain and the cathedral all in one view.  Every morning, right about the time when I am thinking "man do I not want to go to school right now," I turn a corner and see the sun peaking over the cathedral and shimmering off the mountains.  Even though I see it every day, it still takes my breath away.

Mailbox! Neat-o!

This crosswalk takes me a solid five minutes to get across every day.
The store with the green awning is my favorite teensy grocery store.  I go there to get fresh bread or fresh fruit.  The store attendants already know who I am! Although in fairness, I stick out like a sore thumb.

Almost home!  But look at the trees, how stubby they are?  The city chops off the branches for the winter to protect the trees.

Again, tricky to see, but this is a view of the countryside, in between apartment buildings.

That's all for now guys!  Tomorrow I am going with a group of friends to Covadonga!  I had never heard of it either, so don't feel bad.  But it is about a two hour bus ride away, is supposed to be beautiful, so it'll be great!  Plus it is continuing with my plan of taking a trip every weekend!  

Best to all!


  1. Nice! It looks like a lovely little city. It is very clean(though I did notice some grafitti in the background)and reminds me a few very nice neighborhoods in Manhattan.

  2. I think the stubby trees are called plane trees - perhaps platane in French. In the spring/summer they spread out and create a beautiful canopy of shade.I remember the really interesting bark that they have.

    Love seeing and hearing about the small details.
