Saturday, February 20, 2010

Carnaval in Oviedo

A quick computer update: I haven't heard back from Dell yet, but I have contacted them and they should be contacting the Spanish branch.  Of course it is the weekend and Spain does not run on the weekends, so hopefully I will be hearing from them on Monday.  In the meantime I am lucky enough to be using my friend Lindsey's computer.  She does not have internet (not so lucky for her), and needs to come and use my wireless anyway, so it is a nice symbiotic relationship.  More updates if I ever regain my computer :(

A walk on La Pista

When I woke up today, the sun was not only shining but it was gorgeous temperature-wise.  It was not too cold, it was not too warm, just perfect.  Lindsey and I had decided that we were going to do something since we weren't travelling this weekend, and we decided on going on this 3 hr hike/walk called "La Pista" which winds its way up a mountain.  As soon as you get past a certain point, beautiful vistas open up: the sparkling white mountains towering in the background, the entire city of Oviedo laid out below, and rolling fields in the distance.  Of course, I completely forgot that I had not changed my camera batteries, so I could not take ANY pictures, but I will certainly be doing this walk again.  It was not only beautiful but incredibly taxing physically, but it was in a good way.  My feet and legs are killing me today, but that means I am I got good exercise!!!

Carnaval in Oviedo

So as you may recall, Carnaval came to Oviedo this Saturday.  Just to refresh your memories, it is a cross between Mardi Gras and Halloween.  People dress up during the day, go and watch the parade and then go out later at night, still dressed up.

Since I missed it in the other two cities, I finally got to see the parade.  It was a beautiful day and people were out in the streets in crowds.  Small children, teens, and adults, most dressed up, wandered the streets waiting for the parade.  The parade itself consisted of different groups of costumed people showing off their various talents or just their elaborate costumes.  It was really quite interesting to watch, but I think better explained by some of my pictures!



Pirate float.

Balloon costumes.

Balloon butterfly chica.

Music costume!

Batman spectator. 

More dancers.

Pirate bagpipers.


A little flamenco spectator. 

You can't really tell, but she was the ocean. 

Little firefighter spraying water.

A highway. 

More dancers.

Thats all for now folks! More updates I am sure after I come back tonight! Best to all!


  1. Still loving the photos, and keeping my fingers corssed for the return of your computer.

  2. What an amazing parade. It tops any I have seen!

  3. I don't know, Patricia. I don't see any outhouse racers!
