Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Routine, routine, routine.

Well, this may actually be a good thing, but I have nothing new to report!  I have fallen into a simple routine of balancing school, friends, travelling, and relaxing in Spain.  It really has been good here so far.  No, I take it back.  It has been AMAZING here so far.  I don't mean to go overboard about how grateful I am to be here, but not a day goes by that I don't appreciate being here.

Anyway, here are some teensy updates, nothing big:

  • I have officially bought my tickets to Seville for the weekend of February 25.  I am going to stay with Meghan (from high school) so the only cost to me is the price of another 12hr bus trip.  I will leave Thursday afternoon and get back late Sunday night.  I am so excited!
  • I am looking forward to both Lex and my parents coming to visit soon!
  • Carnaval is coming up this weekend in a town called Aviles.  It seems to be a cross between Halloween and Mardi Gras.  You dress up, sometimes as characters, or just with masks, and there are huge parties, foam and streamers in the streets, and gosh knows what else!  Either way, it seems to be this huge thing here.  So we shall see!
  • Thats all for now!  Here are some group pics from Covadonga!
Me, Lindsey, Simone, Shintaro, Hiroto

Tomonori, Shintaro, Simone, Me, Lindsey


  1. These continue to be great photos. Even the dog appears to be smiling for the camera.

  2. How fun to be going to a Carnivale type party. Did you bring your standard issue mask/clown nose with you? MoM
