Saturday, February 13, 2010

A flexible game-plan = the key to Spain.

So remember how I said I was going to Aviles for Carnaval?  Just kidding!  Turns out that did not work out, but I am actually not disappointed.  The Carnaval also comes to Gijon on Monday and Oviedo on Saturday, so I will just hit it up then. Oviedo has already started decorating for the occasion, and I snapped a couple preliminary pictures to show everybody.  And I actually have my costume now!  I am dressing as a cowgirl, which fits all of my criteria: cheap, cute, comfortable, and warm (we are going through a huge cold-snap at the moment, and warmth is the key to everything).  In fact, we had a little more snow here, an abnormality that continues to throw the whole city into a tizzy.  I tried to take a picture of it, but oddly enough, my camera did not seem to capture it in the dark...either way, that is what the picture of the lamp post is trying to demonstrate haha.

In Spain, it is very important to have no expectations or plans as to what you are going to be doing the next day, the next week, or even the next month.  This is a cultural thing that I am having a very hard time adjusting to, but I think in the long run it will be beneficial.  For example, whereas a change in plans such as not going to Aviles would normally throw my off balance, I adjusted quite well and moved onto other plans.  This is certainly a step in the right direction towards becoming a more well-rounded person, as well as assimilating into Spanish culture.

So now, instead of Aviles, I am headed to Gijon on Monday, to meet up with my group of Gijonian Spanish friends.  It promises to be a lot of fun, and they are really nice people.  It is always a plus to be hanging out with the locals!  I will be sure to update you all when I get back! :)


  1. I am loving this pictures... AND your flexibilty! Good job.


  2. Thanks for the photos of Oviedo!! How fun! MoM
