Wednesday, February 24, 2010

¡ El que va a Sevilla pierde su silla !

The titular expression was used by my Gramatica professor when I unfortunately arrived late to his class a couple of Thursday´s ago.  The basic sentiment is the same as "if you move your feet, you lose your seat," but in this case is "he who goes to Sevilla, loses his seat," although it rhymes in Spanish.  I bring this expression up now a) because I like it and b) because I am going to Sevilla tomorrow!  Yay! 

It is another 12hr ride on the bus, but it definitely vale la pena (is worth the pain).  I am incredibly lucky to be staying with my good friend Meghan (from high school, who I also met down in Granada) and thusly saving tons of dinero (money) on housing.  I leave Thursday at 12pm (get in at midnight) and leave Sunday morning at 11am (and getting back into Oviedo just in time for a nights sleep before class on Monday).  I am pretty excited, not only because I found pretty cheap bus tickets (for about 100 euros less than the girls who are flying down), but I also get to see Meghan and have her show me around her city.  I have been so lucky with the amount of trips that I have been able to take here in Spain, especially after only having been here for (less than) two months!

In other news: I once again had to fix my sink, but actually became a hero in the eyes of my flatmate.  She was really scared and panicked, but I calmly showed her with my amazing plumbing skills.  Dell did call back, and I am now waiting for a technician to call me and set up a time for him to come and fix the screen.  I bought a spring Spanish coat, two new shirts, and sunglasses (my old ones broke) while the rebajas or sales are still going on. They last from right after christmas until the end of February. 

That´s all for now! I will be sure to update after I return from SEVILLA!!! Try and outlast the snow (if it´s causing you pain) and if not, just enjoy life! :)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, you need a comment here! By now, Saturday, you are traipsing around Sevilla, and having a "grand old time". At least, I hope so. Still snowing/raining here. but I have electricity so I can watch the Olympics! Much love.
