Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

While we all know that Cinco de Mayo is not a Spanish holiday (only Mexico), they do SPEAK Spanish in Mexico, so we figured we might as well celebrate!  There is one Mexican restaurant in Oviedo, and we swamped the place.

Some people ordered food, some just drank Margaritas, but all of it was in good fun.  It was nice to see everyone out and enjoying our Mexican holiday!


The food table

Delicious Tacos!

Kat, Me, and Jackie :)

Me, Gabby, and Aubrey with our Mexican beer.

The crowd downstairs at the bar, and this was still early!

New York friends!  Holly, Gabby, and Zane.

Gabby wanted to take candid pictures of everyone, but this is what Fletcher and I came up with haha.  

Naturally I had to do it :)

It was the perfect pre-birthday party!  Which gives you a hint as to what is coming up next! It was my birthday week after all...

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