Thursday, May 13, 2010

Madrid 2: Reina Sofia, random things, the Royal Palace, Plaza Mayor

After the gardens our next destination was the Reina Sofia, the modern art museum.  I was on a quest to see the Guernica before I left Spain and it was WELL worth the wait.  You were of course not allowed to take pictures, but I am going to put in a picture from the internet for you to see.  

These are elevators to go up to the top.  I went on them even with my intense hatred of elevators.  

This just does not do it justice however.  It takes up an entire wall of the museum, and people just stand and stare at it.  It was such an important piece of artwork for Spain, historically and politically.  I could just feel the weight of it as we looked at it.  It was really awe-inspiring to see, and I felt so lucky that I could see it in person.

You know...a random statue and me :)

The town hall.

Next on our itinerary was the Royal Palace.  I just love the fact that they have palaces!  It is so fun!  This one is really quite impressive as well.  It is all orderly and beautiful.  We did not go inside, but the outside was amazing enough!

I would live here a second choice I suppose. 

After the palace, the Plaza Mayor was next.  This is one of the other things that most people would picture when they imagine Spain.  It was just as impressive in person as it is in pictures.  If it hadn't been so rainy, we would have sat down and had a cup of coffee, but alas, the weather got in our way.  

All of this took us until about 3:30pm, so then we headed over to the bull fighting ring...more on that later...

1 comment:

  1. hahaha I really thought you were looking at something with someone...nope, a statue. :)
