Saturday, May 22, 2010

The List

I was recently feeling very sad about leaving Spain, so I decided to make a list of all the things that I don't like about Spain, to make me miss it less.  However, to be fair, I think it would be a nice sum up to my experience here to list my favorite and least favorite things about my time in Espana.  I do not like being negative, so I will get the bad list out of the way:

Things I will not miss:

1) SMOKING.  Not me obviously, but everyone here smokes and it is allowed in more public places than in the states.  I feel like I have lung cancer just from second hand smoking, and I constantly wake up with a sore throat in the morning.  Any of these other things are not real issues, but the constant waves of smoke are the only cultural difference here I can absolutely not stand.  The rest are just interesting comments, this is a serious health issue.

2) Sticking out like a sore thumb:  Apparently I do not look very Spanish, and thus draw a lot of stares on the street.  There is not the notions here of personal space or being rude by staring, so they just stare me down.  Between my blue eyes, pale skin, and abundant freckles I am clearly a foreigner and often feel out of place.  However, I have decided to own it!  I am not Spanish, but I love living here, and that is ok.

3) Lack of dryers: ok, this is obviously not a huge issue, but if I am trying not to miss Spain, this would certainly go on the list.  My clothes are falling off me and I need a belt for some pants now because I cannot shrink my clothes.  Ah well!

4) No hot water: Not really a big deal, I am usually good about taking short showers as it is!

5) Rain: this is not Spain, so much as Asturias.  It rains ALL the time, which comes with umbrella etiquette to deal with as well.

Things I love and will most certainly miss:

1) The atmosphere: there is just a different way of life over here.  One of the most common expressions is "no pasa nada" which literally means nothing happens, but has more of the sentiment of "eh stuff happens" combined with "don't worry about it!"  You can sit in a Spanish cafe for hours without feeling the pressure to buy another coffee, and they never bring you the bill for just that reason, you have to ask for it.  Schedules are non-existent, classes start 10-20 minutes late, and meandering is quite common.  I am so much more free over here, and I love it.  I am hoping I will continue to keep being flexible in the states!

2) The people:  I have met a bunch of really interesting people here that I will miss terribly!  I love the fact that I was able to rotate around groups and not just stick to one.  I met people from different countries, walks of life, areas, and places in their lives.  It was not only a great learning experience, but I have also made some real friends here, even though I wasn't planning on it!

3) Travelling:  It is just so easy over here to get to so many different places with an accessibility that is just not available in the states.  I feel like I have really taken advantage of everything that I possibly could, and I am going to miss that ability.

4) The bus system: Pretty self explanatory, but I love being able to pop over to Gijon for the afternoon, or show Lex around Asturias without having my own transportation here.

5) Scenery/ beauty:  I don't know if I am just feeling sentimental about the end of the semester, but on my bus ride to the beach today, it all just looked so beautiful.  The architecture, the rolling hills, the crisp snowy mountains, the beautiful ocean, sculptures everywhere you look: the whole thing just makes you fall in love with Spain all over again every time you glance out a window.

6) Cafe con leche:  It is just better over here!  Enough said!

7) So much more: Long walks with friends or by yourself, being able to walk everywhere, living in the perfect sized city (not to big, not too small), feeling safe all of the time, that feeling of independence, living on my own, being able to relax and not have a schedule all the time, learning how to do different things, learning Spanish, my bakery around the corner where the ladies know and help me all the time....and I am sure many other things that I am forgetting.

I am going to miss it here, I surely am.  However, I come home in 3 days and at the same time could not be more thrilled!  What an interesting state of limbo.


  1. Ugh, the smoking! I am also not that keen on things being shut on Sundays. I actually don't use a dryer anymore after living abroad so don't miss that (I have no need to shrink my clothes, believe me) but I really hated the smoking and the closed on Sundays thing. But the latter's just really the New Yorker in me, used to things always being open.

    Of course, everything else is pretty great about Spain, but let's just keep remembering the smoking and it will help with the transition.

  2. Oh did I forget to mention the closed on Sunday situation? That was really tough to get used to...but now I kind of like it because it means I have to plan in advance.

    I am REALLY looking forward to clean lungs again though. And I am focusing on that and the fact that I have amazing family and friends to return home to. I am lucky :)
