Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Indian Food at the Taj Mahal (or at least the one on my street).

There is this Indian Food place down my street that we have been dying to try, so Shani, Amanda, and I decided to check it out!  The problem with being Americans in a Spanish city is that we tend to want to go out to eat much earlier than everyone else, so we end up being the only people in the restaurant.  Even though we went at 8:30pm, we still were too early!  Either way, we went but it was quite the interesting experience.

The napkins and decorations were all Christmas themed...even though it is clearly almost summer.  Shani and I ordered wine, but it was not like any wine I have ever tasted before...it was very odd tasting.  Then we ordered what we thought were full meals...but they came in little tiny bowls and we were clearly supposed to order rice or something to put the dishes over.  We did not know that however, and so it was a little bit of an experience.  Interesting for sure, and not a bad experience, but an adventure.

Naturally there were Santas on the Indian napkins.  

Look at the tiny little bowl thingies!  Luckily we ordered some Nan on the side.  

Sidenote, it is my birthday week this week!  Everyone is being really nice to me (and being accepting of the fact that I am excited like a three yr old about my birthday, still) and we have a huge party planned for Thursday night (my bday is on Friday).  The big 2 - 1, though it means nothing here in Spain, but it is still very exciting for me!


  1. Oh...those poor kids! They have no idea. Thank goodness they will not be around you the first time it SNOWS! Right, Ginoo?

  2. Ohhhh they have already been subjected to that! Earlier this year, the poor things!
