Saturday, May 1, 2010

Billar con amigos, pool with friends!

One of the great things about living in Spain with a group of people all studying the same thing, is that even though you see each other every day, you still are meeting new people well into the semester.  For example, I am just becoming friends with a whole new group of people, even though we only have three weeks left!  I love switching up my groups!

The point of this, is that I went to play pool with a bunch of new people yesterday, and it was really fun.  There is something so relaxing about playing pool in a Spanish bar, and just hanging out with friends.

Me, Patrick, and Fumi

Tomonori showing off his skills.

The guys: Tomonori, Aaron, Zhipeng, and Hunter

Patrice and me, excellent pool sharks.

The master at pool, Cota.  He was really good!

Patrice showing off her skills.  


  1. Ah! My daughter hanging out in pool halls in Spain, and consorting with Ne're-Do-Wells of unknown repute! I have never been so proud!

  2. Haha you love it! It is a fun thing!
