Thursday, April 29, 2010

Semana Cultural, por fin!

As promised, I finally have some pictures from Semana Cultural (culture week).  To refresh your memory, for one week we took two classes instead of our normal course-load,  and I participated in Comics and Imagen (video).  At the end of the week, there was an assembly to present everyone's projects to the rest of the program.

For our video, we created a short film about a popular myth in Oviedo/Asturias.  The myth is that fantastical womens, called Xanas, are trapped in fountains from birth and can only be rescued if a brave man comes along and answers a tricky question correctly.  If he answers incorrectly, he is trapped forever too, but if he answers correctly, he and the Xana live happily ever after with lots of gold.  It is on youtube if anyone is interested in seeing.  It is of course, in Spanish, but I think you can get the general gist: (and actually Abigail put an english translation underneath the video, if you want to click on it).

Here are some still shots that Abigail took of us filming:

I was the original witch, but I tricked Jackie into switching with me so I ended up filming the whole thing! I am so sneaky :)

The cast hard at work watching play back. The actors: Tomonori, Jackie, and Abigail

Before I sneakily tricked her into switching with me.  Please note our baby, actually a camera case, hence its "boxy" figure.  

For Comics, we basically just had to create a one page strip about something, usually Oviedo related.  For mine, I did all of my adventures that I have had here.  Getting locked out, setting the kitchen cabinets pretty much on fire, trying to cook tortilla and failing, and things like that.  At the end of the week thing on Friday, all the students voted on which comic they liked the best, and they voted s mine and my friend Lindsey's number one!   We won!  We each got a prize, which included an Oviedo backpack, a digital clock, a little radio, and a packet of information about Oviedo/Asturias.  I was very very dorkily excited.  

Us getting college credit for coloring!  Lindsey, me, and Patrice.  

Unfortunately, it is very blurry, but this is my award winning comic!  Hopefully it will be scanned so we can all see them online later.  Either way you can get the gist.  My failing with the tortilla, having to fix the sink, getting locked out, breaking my computer, burning things on the stove, but that it was all worth it in the end, because I got to live in Spain! 

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