Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Me encanta la playa! I love the beach!

We have been blessed in Oviedo the past week with gorgeous weather.  70 and 80 degree weather, sunny weather, no clouds, no rain, and it just puts a smile on your face the whole day long.  I know it is silly, but a nice day just puts a new spring in my step!

Today we decided to organize a trip to the beach right after class.  We all met up outside and tramped down to the bus station to go to Gijon for a lovely afternoon.

The water was freezing for the Iowans (who had never seen an Ocean) and the New Zealander (who is used to warmer), but for me and the UMass Amherst kids from Massachusetts it was gorgeous.  I thought it was going to be too cold to go swimming, so I had stupidly not worn my bathing suit!  However, after seeing everyone frolicking in the Bay of Biscay, and loving the ocean so much myself, I just couldn't handle it any longer.  I rolled up my tube top, and fashioned a kind of bathing suit and sprinted in.  It was freezing, and I was soaked the whole bus ride home, but I loved every minute of it.  It was just perfect :)

I was so excited to go to the beach, I was literally jumping up and down after class.  Plus I love Jackie's hat :)

Jackie, applying sunblock.  Apparently this Mediterranean sun is killer!

The brave souls who joined me in the water (Jackie (NZ), Patrice(MA), Dave (MA)

The lame people who stayed on the beach (Aubrey, Kayla, Kate, and Abbi (Iowa))

Celeste and Liz

This is Patrice trying to make me pose with my wet gross hair. Ah, what are friends for. 

It was so nice, that people were out in all forms of water recreation! It made me really want to go sailing or boogy boarding.