Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Luanco, Round 2

Sorry that I have not updated in quite some time, but since I am nearing the end of my time here, my days are a whirlwind of hanging out with friends, doing projects and work, planning the few trips I still have time for, and numerous daily yet insignificant acts that are not really blogworthy.

This weekend however I went with some friends to Luanco (where Lex and I had previously visited) for a fun picnic at the beach.

It really could not have been a more stunning day.  We had PERFECT weather.  

We sat on these beaches and people-watched while we ate our picnic lunch.

Then we walked around town, and found this fun door!  These are the two girls I went with, Shani and Amanda. 

We also found this cute little show of springtime love :)

There is really no reason for this picture, except to show that spring is in the air!  

It truly was a lovely and relaxing day at the beach, one with no plans, no goals, and only minor sunburn.  I am loving Spain I have to say, and may even miss it when I am gone!!

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