Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A lovely day at the beach :)

This weekend was a very fun one here in Oviedo.  Friday night I got icecream with one of my friends, but Saturday was the real fun.  The weather channel forecasted nothing but sun and 70 degree weather, so we headed to the beach in Gijon.

Can't you almost see the beautiful temperature?

The first place we settled down was soon overcome by the tide.  I kind of forgot they had tides in places that were not Brewster beach.  We spread our towels out and set up camp.  

I was REALLY really excited to be at the beach, and Patrice is really good at capturing these things haha. 

The boys of our group: Tomonori and Aaron

The girls: Abigail, Jackie, Me, Patrice

The water was freezing and feet numbing, but that teensy dot out there is Aaron, swimming for his first (of three) time that day.  

Patrice captured our reactions to the fact that he actually was crazy enough to go in!  This is completely candid, and I love it haha. Nice going Patrice!

Finally, we all got pretty hungry, so Abigail and Patrice went to go get us a picnic lunch.  While they were gone, we were quite busy ourselves!  Look at this gorgeous castle.  We were very proud (and subsequently very sad when the tide washed it away).  

Patrice and I smiling about our delicious picnic lunch, and our perfect beach day.

Jackie (from New Zealand) was covering up from the sun with her humungous hat.  Apparently they are taught from a very early age about the dangers of the sun in New Zealand, so she supplied us with the sun screen necessary for our day event. 

But then her hat looked so fun, that I needed to try it!

It would not be a perfect beach day without some Spanish helado!

All in all, I just cannot elaborate enough how much fun of a day it was.  Different groups came and went, but our group of 6 stayed from the morning until late afternoon.  It was relaxing and fun, and only my feet got sunburnt!  We just all kept saying to each other "we are on a beach, IN SPAIN, does it get much better than this?"  And I am not sure that it does :)

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