Thursday, April 1, 2010

Barcelona Thursday: Pedrera

Today was sadly, our last full day in Barcelona.  However, we had a great time of it!  Our big activity of the day was seeing the Pedrera, a house that Gaudi was commissioned to make for the family Mila.  It is a pretty darn cool looking house, and we were lucky enough to go inside!  The terrace, was absolutely my favorite part, but I think I will show you with pictures instead of words:

Ok we did not actually go in this one, but this is another Gaudi on the way.

La Pedrera

On the terrace

Sagrada Familia in the background

Mom found her Roman Walls that we had been searching for :)

I think that may be it for me and Barcelona!  I do want to put up some more random pictures, but that will have to wait until I get back from Rome.  The parents leave me tomorrow afternoon (very sad), and then I head out tomorrow night for two whirlwind days in Roma!  

This was an amazing trip, and I feel so lucky that we were able to do it.  We all got along splendidly, had some amazing experiences, and I was thrilled to get to see my parents for spring break. 

Hasta luego, just going to pop over to Rome for a bit!

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