Monday, April 26, 2010

Mmmm Mmmm good :)

I wanted to update the blog all this week, but I am waiting on pictures from a friend of mine.  This week was "Semana Cultural" for our program, which meant that regular classes were cancelled and we took two new classes.  However, I am going to go into that when my friend gives me the photos. So stay tuned!

So instead, I just have a little update about the daily simple life in Oviedo.  I don't know if any of you have ever had "puppy chow" in the states, but it is a delicious snack treat made of Chex cereal, peanut butter, chocolate, and then covered in powdered sugar.  It doesn't get much better than that!  My friend Aubrey's boyfriend had just come over to visit her, and had brought all the necessary supplies, so the other day we sat down to make ourselves some good old American artery hardening treats.

So first, you have to melt all of the peanut butter and chocolate and a teensy bit of butter in the microwave, and you mix it together with the Chex cereal in plastic ziploc bags, as Aubrey is demonstrating here.  

There were some casualties however.  Apparently if you microwave the chocolate peanut butter mixture for too long, the bowl will get so hot that you will burn your hand and break the bowl.  Poor Aubrey!  

The most fun part of it though, is that you get to mix everything in together by shaking it and dancing around the kitchen.  I love a snack that you can make with a fun activity!  

The end result!  You know that you want to eat them, they just look so delicious.  I took a bag back home with me, and it is already finished!  

Anyway, more updates on culture week later, hopefully with pictures!  Also, yesterday marks the one month marker until I go home.  Write it in on your calendars, Sam Mackie returns to the states on May 25th!


  1. So - I would love the recipe - you know, how much of each, etc. Because, they look as if they would fit right into my diet!

  2. Thank you for sharing your adventures! Your pictures look like postcards (even the ruins are beautiful!) I admire how brave you are, and am so happy that you are making such great memories. Enjoy the next few weeks :-)

    ps- I'm pretty sure chocolate is now considered a health food!
