Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And the nervousness sets in...

Well it has finally gotten to the point where I can no longer avoid the fact that I am actually going to be boarding a plane TOMORROW to head out into the great unknown (commonly referred to as Spain/Europe).  I have FINALLY gotten my visa after a "quick" jaunt down to the city with my ever-so-patient-and-helpful-dad.  So there is really no huge steps to overcome before getting on my plane tomorrow and saying goodbye to the USA until the end of May.

In case anyone is curious about my schedule tomorrow, I leave out of Albany at 6:00pm and then transfer planes in Philadelphia and then it is a 9hr flight to Paris with a layover/transfer and then on to Oviedo by 2:30pm local time on Friday!  My contact-person will be picking me up at the airport and then I am onto an unknown destination!

The best/worst/most scary/most adventurous part of this whole trip is that I don't know where i'll be living and  what i'll be doing for the next five months of my life.  But as a wise man once quoted to me:

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
Come to the edge.
And they came,
and we pushed,
And they flew.
(Christopher Logue)

So followers, as I step off the edge and won't be in communication for the next couple of days I hope all stays well with everyone, and wish me luck!

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