Monday, January 4, 2010

Packing and Visa-Troubles

Before anyone embarks on a trip for any length of time, one must always consider the great horror that packing will entail.  However, a process which I thought would take several days full of swearing at my bag and frantically rushing around my house in fact took about two solid hours of plugging away.  Now to be fair, many of my things were already gathered and I do not have a large selection of clothes to chose from, but still I feel very efficient about the whole process!

And let me just comment on the miracle of Ziploc bags.  Everything in my medium-sized green duffel is packed into decompressed Ziploc bags and has made the process significantly more simple.  Now, as I am uncertain of my immediate living situation upon arrival, I can easily find everything in my suitcase with ease and without disturbing the rest of my things!  Genius!

As of now, I am completely packed with plenty of room for last minute items (shoes etc.).  So with that off my plate, I have a ton of time to worry that my visa has yet to be finished yet...

I of course understand that it is just after a vacation, so that is probably a delay, but given that I leave on thursday, and today is monday....lets just say I would prefer to have my passport and visa in my hand and ready to go.  Will it all work out?  I can only hope.  So cross your fingers out there that it is done being processed by tomorrow, or at least before I leave!

That's all for now!


  1. You are doing a great job! Hang in there.....I too love a good Ziploc....I know this surprises you! :-)

  2. What a treat to be reading your blog. Thanks so much for getting it started!

    Any news on your visa? Fingers crossed here for you. That should really help!

    How does one become a "follower"? I'm with Sue - I do not know how to do these things.

  3. Have a great trip. we'll be thinking about you, xox
