Friday, January 22, 2010

Un viaje cada fin de semana? A trip every weekend?

Hey all!

So I know it has been a while but a) I have been a bit sick and busy and b) I am in a good routine so there was not much new to report!

However, I successfully bought my new cell-phone (seen on your right) here, all by myself!  It was definitely my brave new thing for the day.  I love the phone already although I will not be using it a lot, nor do I actually know how much money is on it or how much it costs to use it.  Haha oh well, that can be my brave new thing for another day.  It was not all that expensive either.  I was able to get the phone and what I can only hope is a lot of minutes for about 20 euro (or $30).  And I get to keep the phone for future trips as well!

In other news, my friend and I are going to attempt to make a different trip somewhere every weekend.  It is really not that difficult to do actually.  Asturias, the province I am staying in, has numerous opportunities for day-trips that are amazing experiences within themselves.  We are within an hour of beaches, mountains, farmland, and caves.  For example, this weekend my friends and I are going to Cudillero, a little fishing village about a 45 minute bus ride away.  I included a picture down below, which obviously I did not take but you can be sure that I will be posting pictures that I actually took the minute I get back!

Next weekend, Aubrey and I are going to...wait for it...wait for it...GRANADA!!!!  I am so excited.  Yes it involves two thirteen hour bus rides, but still!  GRANADA!!!  We are meeting up with my friend Meghan from high school and staying two nights, three days in Granada and seeing all of the sights.  You better believe I will have stories and pictures to share after that journey!  It took Aubrey and I two whole days of searching the internet like it was our job to find the cheapest and simplest way to get down to the city but eventually our hard work paid off!  The Alhambra is definitely on my list of things to do before leaving Europe and I am thrilled to be able to go so early!

I think that may be all for now folks!  I am off to Cudillero bright and early in the morning!  Doesn't it look so picturesque?  Cross your fingers for not TOO much rain!!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, thanks so much for the update. Glad you are feeling better. MoM
