Monday, January 11, 2010

A trip around the city

Today I took my proficiency exam to see which level I will be at for the whole semester. The writing part did not go as well as I would have liked, but when I did my oral exam, my teacher said that I should be put into the advanced, so hopefully that's where I will be! All the people in charge seem very nice and helpful so I feel more confident that I will be able to maneuver my way through everything in the next few months. I did meet a new friend named Katherine, she seems pretty nice. But I am sure tomorrow when my actual classes start I will meet people who I will be spending a lot of time with etc.

After my exams, I decided to take a tour around the city. Armed with my maps and my camera I just wandered towards the center of the city. I had no idea where I was going, absolutely no idea what I was going to see, and no deadlines or rules to follow. It felt very adventurous indeed.

As it turns out, I probably would have seen more if I had actually had a plan, and the next time I go I will try and have some sites that I am searching for, but as it was I just toodled around, snapping shots of neat architecture or the snow covered mountains behind it all. It was beautiful, and the weather had started to warm up slightly as well, creating an almost perfect walking climate: not too hot, not too cold, but still super slippery).

Eventually, with all the wandering I got terribly terribly lost. But where normally I would have panicked, tears getting ready to spring out of my eyes, this time I felt a strange sense of calm. Not only is the city incredibly safe (unlike Madrid and Barcelona apparently), but I knew eventually, somehow I would find my way back. I had maps if I needed them, and the people who live here are incredibly generous and helpful if you need anything. As Charo (my coordinator here) told me Oviedo is not tired of tourists like the other big cities, so they are much more willing to be helpful.

Finally, on the course of my wandering, I found a street that looked vaguely familiar, and I traced my way back to the university and from there found my way home. I had conquered the city! Not only did I find my way home, but I did it without panicking.

As a reward I gulped down some coke and chips (snack of champions I know, but I was hungry!) and looked up some easy recipes online. Then, with a list this time, I went to the store to get specific things instead of just wandering the aisles. The benefit is that I now have about a week's worth of food (give or take) and actual meals planned out. My lunch today: grilled cheese and tomato was absolutely delicious. I know that does not sound complicated, but even that was an accomplishment for me and very healthy too (grainy bread, mozzarella cheese, fresh tomatoes, and olive oil).

On the flat-mate front, Tamara and I have actually interacted now and she is very nice. We talked a little about school etc. She, as well as everyone else, was very complimentary of my spanish, but I can hear myself saying the wrong things which is frustrating. But hey! that is why I am here, to become fluent and comfortable speaking the language.

Well tomorrow I start my classes and find out what I will actually be taking. Cross your fingers that I get into art history!
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  1. All my fingers (and toes) are crossed for the Art History course to be yours!

    Nice pictures, and a nice adventure.

  2. Also, a quick note to everyone. If you wish to see any of these pictures bigger, just click on them! I put them in a small size so they would fit better with the text. Thanks for reading!

  3. And thank you for all of you have been commenting. I do read your comments and they always make me smile :)

  4. First, congrats on the being so conversant in Spanish, but you really already knew that, right? Second, I cannot wait to hear of your eating some Spanish cuisine-- an empanada is good, but I'VE had that! What was IN the empanada? Now I want one! Third, I am loving the pictures. The city looks beautiful, and can't wait to get to explore it with you--vicariously and in person.

  5. Thanks for the hints about clicking on the photos. Makes quite a difference! I think my favorite one so far is the one of the lamp posts. It is very dramatic, and well lit. What kind of a camera do you have? The pictures are really good. Do you have one of your apartment building. so we can see which are your windows?

  6. I love the last shot. It reminds me a little bit of the walk you used to have from the south side of campus at Geneseo to the main part of campus. Don't you think? I agree with Grandma, you are taking some really nice shots. Keep up the good work.

  7. Well thanks guys! I appreciate the support.

    Grandma: I just have a digital camera, and I am not sure if I can take a picture of the apartment building because the part that my windows face is actually part of an elementary school/daycare so I am not sure I am allowed to go on it but I will check!

    Dad: It does look like the walk from southside completely! I had not thought about that until just now!

  8. Thanks for sharing Sam. It is totally fun to see it all! MoM
