Monday, January 18, 2010

A trip to Gijon

Just a quick update:

This weekend my friend Aubrey and her friend Shana and I went to Gijon (a neighboring beach-town) to hang out with some of Aubrey's friends.  It was definitely my BNT (brave new thing) for the day.  Aubrey decided that we should go like an hour before we left and we just hopped on a bus and went!  It was very adventurous and fun because it ended up being a great trip and we made a lot of new friends (they are all students at the engineering University in Gijon). Plus we got to experience a new city!

I don't have many more updates so here are some pictures for your enjoyment!

Me, Pepe, Jonas, Fanny, Shani, Philipe,
Anais, and Aubrey

Me, Shani, Aubrey

Fanny, Anais, Aubrey, Me

The whole group again (minus Jonas)

Aubrey and Me :)


  1. So... are they all students? From where? Little side note... how do you pronounce Gijon? I am pretty sure Mom and I keepp putting a French accent on it, and then I remember that "J" in France has an "H" sound. COrrect?

  2. I added it in, but they are all students at the Engineering University of Gijon.

    It is pronounced not the French way (NOT Dijon-esque) haha. But is actually "Hee-hone" Like hee as in laugh at a joke and hone as in to sharpen ones skills. The Hone of course is a littley phlegmy as it tends to be. :)
