Saturday, January 16, 2010

El fin de semana (weekend)!

So it has been a day or so since my last update, and I have much to share!  The other night (as I had said before) I went salsa dancing at one of the local bars!  It was really fun, however I am still a horrible dance, but one who now knows how to salsa dance even if I can not repeat it.  It also doubled as my brave thing for the day, trying something new and making friends.  We left pretty early though due to our early classes on Friday.

Friday was a normal day by any standards, but my brave new thing (or BNT for short) was to go to all of the discotecas and dance the night away!  The parties just start getting underway in the wee hours of the morning.  The whole city transforms for the night and there is music and dancing everywhere you go.  Overall, I really loved the atmosphere and had a great time!  We had a solid group of people and we just kept hopping from place to place.

It was also very interesting because many of the songs played in the bars or discotecas are popular American songs.  It kept cracking me up that we would be dancing along and suddenly Shania Twain or the Black-eyed-peas would come on.  Needless to say, my group and I loved it.

Today, we went around the city with one of my friends who was here last semester as she showed us the sights.  I now know where to find the bookstore, and a market that will be open tomorrow where I will hopefully be purchasing some cheap rainboots (it rains a LOT here).  I also took a bunch more pictures which you can see here!

My BNT for today was ordering soup from a cafe and sitting at the bar by myself and eating it.  While to the untrained eye this may not seem like a complicated process, it was in fact.  In Spain, lunch is the big meal with three courses and everything.  So not only was there a language barrier, but to ask for just soup would seem ridiculous!  I also had no idea the proper etiquette for eating soup, so I tried to be delicate but accidentally ate to much and burned my tongue in such a big way.  It still hurts now, three hours later!  Either way, I did it!

Lindsey, Me, Sam, Si, Erico

Universidad de Oviedo Campus!!!

The bird fountain that I walk past every day to go to class.


  1. Great blog, kiddo. I love the photos, but would love to know what it is I am looking at, or at least why you felt inspired to take the shots.

  2. The problem is that I don't know, and any of the ones I did I labelled. I took the pictures because they looked the most "Spanish" to me and I just thought they were interesting! Sorry I don't know more yet.

  3. No problem, kiddo. I am LOVING the pictures. I was only suggesting IF you could offer insight as to why you had snapped the photos it might be fun. But they are all great, and give a real sense of place. Though, in the first shot you seem to have been caught by the man all the way to the left. He seems to be giving you the evil eye.

  4. I'm not sure if it was not so much me that was deserving of the evil eye, as the loud group of annoying American students! Haha, but he certainly seems to have noticed.

  5. I am a not-real-special at salsa as well. I'm so busy counting that I just look at my feet and am not even paying attention to the music!

  6. I love all the functioning fountains in your photos. Here, there is mucho snow, and certainly no fountains. And you have picked out some amazing places to photo. But where are all the people???
