Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Cudillero Saturday

As I said yesterday I was taking a day trip to the little village of Cudillero.  I had no idea at all what my friends and I were getting into, but we hopped on a train and went for it!  The town was about a thirty minute walk to get to the center of town but once we did, it was worth it.  I believe the pictures will speak for themselves, yet even they can not elaborate on the beauty that enveloped the entire town.  We were lucky enough to not have it rain, but the cold misty weather was very reminiscent of a rainy day in Brewster Park.

At first we wandered around randomly until we ran into the tourist building (completely by accident) and asked for a map.  We then discovered the best place to see everything: the tallest point in the city.  I don't know if you can tell from these snapshots, but the village is perched on an almost vertically steep mountain.  For those of you who do not know me that well...let's just say kindly that I do not climb up mountains a lot.  But somehow, I dragged my sorry sad butt up all the way to the top anyway.  And man, was it worth the effort!  You could see the whole village, the beautiful ocean, just everything.

I am going to let the pictures show you the adventure for today, but tomorrow more stories will ensue!


First views of the village.

But then we actually saw it! Wow!

Is that an ocean I see?



More people shots tomorrow...but for now just me!

Trekking up the steep steep steps.

Finally made it to the top! So worth it!

The whole port.

We stopped and had a picnic here...what a view.

Goodbye Curdillero.  We enjoyed you greatly!

My future home in Cudillero.  Mark my words, I will be retiring here!


  1. As long as there is room for relatives!!!

  2. Very cool! These photos remind me of a place mom and I visited in England. Can't wait for more pics!

  3. Definitely lots of relatives. I am so tempted to just hop on a plane and go there. Lovely, lovely spot. Too bad they do not speak French!
