Thursday, January 14, 2010

A new mission, a week in.

My biggest concern about studying abroad was that I would not take advantage of the unique opportunity that I was lucky enough to be given.  I am in a foreign country, taking intensive language courses, and living in an apartment practically by myself, in the middle of a city, and I want to ensure that I am doing everything that I can, and living life to the fullest.  But while I was panicking that I have been here for a full week and not taken advantage yet, a very wise friend of mine reminded me that even if I only do one adventurous thing a week, then I will still be doing a great deal of things.

Instead, I am going to take it as my mission to do one thing that scares me every day.  This used to be my motto and it fell by the wayside, yet Spain seems like the perfect location to start it up once more.  So, everyday I will report here what I have done that has scared me, something brave, or something adventurous for each day.  It may be something little like learning to cook a new meal, or it may be something big like exploring the city but I am going to do something everyday (ok, well at least I will try!).

And to make myself feel better I am going to list the things I have already conquered:

Jan 7: Hopped on a plane to leave all of my friends and family behind and immerse myself in a new culture.

Jan 8: Navigated Paris' stupidest and most confusing airport ever AND successfully communicated where to get my lost baggage returned to AND stayed in a hostal by myself.

Jan 9: Conversed entirely in Spanish with my landlord and learned how to make small talk (that one doesn't sound big, but it was hard for me).

Jan 10: I cooked bacon for the first time by myself.  Yes, I burnt some of it, and yes I certainly burned my arm with some splatter but I did it (and now I know how easy it is).  

Jan 11: I went into the middle of a strange city with no plan, no sense of direction, and no goals.  I got completely lost and found my way back all by my lonesome :)

Jan 12: I bravely crossed the frontier of meeting new people!

Jan 13: Even though I was terrified of ordering something in Spanish, especially something as cultural as the Churros con chocolate, I ordered it from the cute little man who runs the cafe under my university.  Success!

Jan 14: Although it has yet to occur, I am going with some people to learn salsa dancing tonight!  Enough said, that is brave (those of you who have ever seen me dance understand).

Also, the pictures on this page are of the University Campus, though I am pretty sure more will follow.  Well due to a strange noise in the middle of the night (which may or may not have been a dream) I did not sleep well last night so I am off for a siesta!  Hasta Luego!


  1. Eleanor Roosevelt would be proud of you, kiddo. Little known fact... she was a BIG fan of salso dancing!

  2. Haha you know what is weird? I had heard that as well! When no one was looking in the oval office, she would "one-two-three" it all over the place! :)

  3. Well, I continue to be completely envious and proud of you at the same time. Keep up the good work.

    I have a small curiosity for you. Do others post comments, or are your dad and I the only ones???

    I am looking forward to tomorrow's report - the salsa dancing, etc.

  4. good thing it looks like no one else was around for these campus shots. they would have pinned tourist all over your back. :)

  5. No report today grandma, sorry! But a full one tomorrow I promise. And yes, others do post comments but I think you and Dad are my most loyal followers! At least in terms of comments. Which I appreciate greatly :)

  6. Samantha, finally had time to sit down and catch up on your entries. I can't tell you how impressed I am by the whole experience you have had so far.

    I do remember that feeling of not wanting to sound foolish in a foreign language with something as simple as ordering hot chocolate, but I also thought about when someone would speak in English as a second language here in our country , and it never occurred to me to think of them as sounding silly. I remember getting very warm responses to having tried, and people became more helpful.

    Keep up the good work! It really sounds like you'll be quite fluent by the end of you term, if not before.

    xo's to you

  7. I loooovvve churros and chocolate! You can get churros here from a guy with a cart along the L platform in Union Square station but NO CHOCOLATE. Sheesh, What's the point?
