Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mi Apartamento

So I am currently sitting in my new SPANISH apartment in the breakfast nook looking out onto my little corner of the city of oviedo. It is beautiful it really is. At the moment it is covered in about an inch or two of snow which is shutting the whole place down. They are apparently not used to any snow, as the buses can't run, people are using umbrellas, and they are spraying the streets with hoses to try and get rid of the most beautiful type of precipitation. Anyway, I am in a two bedroom with a Spanish roommate (yet to arrive) who is a student at the school I will be attending. Apparently she is very nice, and has also had roommates through this program before which means she will not only be used the language barrier but used to the whole situation. She should be coming either tomorrow or the next day, it depends on the snow situation from where she is coming (haha, it just kills me how little snow they are able to handle!)

Anyway, back to my apartment. So two bedrooms, moderately sized with a desk, a bed, a sidetable, and two bureaus, then the living room which is bigger than it appears in pictures, and the kitchen which is also moderately sized. There is a washer in the kitchen but no drier (outside in better weather, a rack for now).

My landlady is also incredibly nice and helpful. She took me to the shopping plaza which is a two second walk down the street to show me the ropes of shopping in Spain. It is a much different experience, down to the different kinds of carts (more like baskets on wheels that you roll like luggage, with a long handle). You also have to buy your own bags, so I invested in a nicer quality one (for a whole dollar) so that I could use it whenever I go shopping.

All shops also close on Sundays, so it was important that I bulk up on supplies while I still could. Mostly I just bought things that I could use on multiple occasions: a stick of bread, empanadas (delicious!), pasta, rice, peppers, milk, eggs, things like that. And of course pringles for when I get homesick for American food.

My main bag has still not transferred from Paris, but should in theory be delivered to my doorstep at some point today, that is if the plane can make it in the snow. Luckily, I was very fortunate to have the advice to pack legitimately everything I could possibly need (except socks) in my carry-on in the event that my bag were to be delayed and I have an abundant supply of anything I could ever need.

In other news, I am no longer jet lagged (although still a bit on the peaked side) as I slept for almost a full 12hrs last night. Luckily I was so tired that I didn't even stay up thinking about being in a new place, as I am sometimes apt to do. All in all, I think I am going to be happy here. Thank you guys for reading!
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