Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Views of the City

This is just a quick update about how it is all going here in Oviedo.  Today, my point-person here Charo took me on a tour of the city so that I would be able to find my way to class tomorrow without getting totally lost.  The only tricky part about the trip is the massive amount of ice and slush covering the sidewalks.  Since the city is not used to getting this kind of weather, they apparently are unprepared with how to deal with it as well.

The walk to the university is maybe five minutes at the most.  Then another five minutes past that is the old center of town where there is a cathedral and many ancient buildings etc which I will be exploring on my own after my proficiency exam tomorrow at 10:30 am.  I promise after I explore the city, pictures will follow!

My roommate has arrived, but just barely.  She walked in and said hi and then she and her boyfriend/brother (not sure which) went out to grab some fun and walk around the city.  Her name is Tamara and she seems very nice, but honestly we haven't spent much time together yet.

Oh in good news, my bag arrived late last night!  All was intact, so I was able to unpack last night and settle in which was lovely.

Certain people have wanted to know about my food situation, so I will comment slightly on that.  Shops are closed on Sundays, so I stocked up on a random assortment of food but seemed to have forgotten key ingredients like oil and butter.  So on Monday I will go out again armed with a shopping list and some goals, but for now I have had pasta, rice and peppers, croissants, and empanadas.

Thats all for today folks! More tomorrow with some pictures.  <3  


  1. Do you suppose a cookbook- in Spanish - with metric measurements, and European settings for the oven would be helpful?? Maybe a book store would have such a thing. Just a thought.

    I hope you get to spend a bit of time with your new roommate. It must have been a bit weird to have her blow in and out so quickly. Do you know where she comes from?

    Thanks for sending out such good reports. I look forward to the pictures. I really have no idea how all this works, but am glad that it does.

    Hugs, Grandma

  2. Sam, the apartment looks lovely, much newer looking than I would have thought! The walk into town sounds just perfect! I am envious, but at least we don't have imagine you wandering around in balmy weather with no snow! xo
