Sunday, January 31, 2010

Granada: Day 2


The Cathedral: 
One of the main attractions in Granada is the Cathedral and we went to see it Friday morning.  The really interesting part of Granada is that the city was Moorish until 1492 when it was conquered by the Catholic Monarchs.  As a result, many of the Mosques were rebuilt into cathedrals.  Depressing that the mosques were destroyed, but I have to say the Cathedral was magnificent to behold.  Apparently, it took 180 years to complete, and it shows.  I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but it is just enormous and incredibly intricate.  I love the colors too, the white marble and the gold-work are stunning in person and in pictures as well.   

The Alhambra:
It has always been my dream to visit the Alhambra.  I had heard tales of its beauty since 8th grade in social studies and spanish classes, but I can now officially say that nothing compares to what it looks like in person.  The Alhambra was built as a palace for the sultan but also as military fortress.  And after walking up the hill to get to the structure, I could see why it would be so effective!  If the armies could even make it there that would be a win, but the fortress is impenetrable (at least to my untrained eye).  I believe that the reason the Alhambra is still in such good conditions is because the Christians who eventually conquered Granada loved it so much that they kept all of the initial architecture.  And thank god they did.  It is beautiful at every turn, and overwhelmingly huge in person.  I think once again it is best to let the pictures speak for themselves.  Some group shots I do not have yet (my camera tried to die on me in the middle of one of the palaces) but I will post them as soon as possible.  

I was so happy to be in the Alhambra palace!  Don't I fit right in?

Every little part of the palace is just stunningly beautiful.  

Wall decorations. So beautiful.

Looking natural in the most beautiful palace.  

Court of the Myrtles: patio's similar to this indicate the amount of wealth the palace and their family has.  To me it looks like they were pretty darn well-off!

This is where the famous Fountain of the Lions was supposed to be.  Unfortunately, it was under construction.  Still beautiful though!

Meghan and I overlooking all of Granada from a point on the citadel.

The communal baths.

Me, guarding the palace.

The Cathedral we saw in the morning, as seen from the Alhambra watch tower. 

View of Granada from the watchtower. 

In the Generalife gardens.

The Alhambra palaces from the gardens.

Such terrific views at every corner.

The whole group: Meghan, Anna, Aubrey, Kayla, Me

Exhaustedly playing cards in the hostel.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing both blogs at once. It looks so wonderful and I love the photos of you there! Proudly MoM

  2. Great pictures, and so pleased you are allowing there to be photos of YOU in there in all these wonderful places.
    In the shot of you all under the sign... is that Arabic script at the top?

  3. Thanks guys! I tried to learn from my failed picture taking experience in Mexico and get more people in the pictures (including myself). I believe the Arabic script on top means Alhambra as well, just in Arabic? But I am also not positive.
