Friday, January 8, 2010

Bienvenidos a Oviedo!

So I have finally arrived in Oviedo, my new home-away-from-home. Just as a quick sidenote, this is probably going to be a pretty long one, so you can stop reading at anypoint if you get bored! And I'm going to break it into sections to make it easier for everyone involved.


Albany to Phillie was short and uneventful.

Phillie to Paris: I sat next to a really nice kid from Penn State who was going to study abroad in France. He was nice enough to pass the time with but it was definitely ok when we parted ways. I unfortunately did not get any sleep (well like an hour) so lets just say I am a bit jetlagged at the moment. The Parisian airport however presented a little more of a problem. Between the language barrier and the confusing layout I got more than a little lost. But on the brink of tears and about to call my parents to come pick me up, I decided to man-up and figure it out. By following my instincts and piecing together what I could I finally just barely made it onto my connecting flight. Success was mine!

Paris to Oviedo: On my two previous flights I had middle/aisle seats, unable to see my surroundings at all and not experiencing the world around me. But when it counted the most, I was on a small plane with a window seat all by myself. Though my eyes were fading and my lids really wanted to close, I kept them open looking out at my only glimpse of Paris outside of the airport. I thought maybe I could try and see Eiffel Tower or something noticeable like that, not ever assuming that it would actually happen! But lo and behold, out of my little window I saw it, dwarfed by the huge city, but just as impressive from above.

And finally, the moment that I knew that I was going to be okay in Spain, was when through the clouds I saw it: my first view of Spain. Peaking out of the ocean rose the most picturesque tip of land I could ever have imagined. Rolling hills, snowy peaks, rocky ocean shores, all topped off with towns perched amongst it all. It was a moment, THE moment when I knew I would make it here.

Currently I am staying in a hotel room until tomorrow at noon when I will be moving into my apartment which will be shared with one other student who speaks only spanish. And let the adventure begin!

Hasta Luego!
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  1. Maravilloso!No expect to see photos posted here soon! :)>

  2. yes, i agree with dad (hope thats ok i just said that mr. mackie haha :))- keep the pictures coming! also this makes me do the word thing to verify that im not a virus just to post a comment! usually it would deter me because you know how much trouble i have with those but i love you too much to get distracted by that! pheww, right? and relief may now set across your face :)

  3. How grand, Sam. How did you find your apartment so quickly? And how good for your Spanish that your roommate speaks only Spanish, although, I do know how exhausting that can be! But you sound great,and so ready for that grand adventure - the small ones as well.

    Much love, Grandma
