Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Itinerary for my trip to GRANADA!!!

Thank you all for making such kinds comments!  Even though I do not respond to many of them, I do always read and appreciate them; they make me smile :)

Just a quick update for today, to alert y'all to my itinerary for my trip to Granada this "weekend."  We have Thursday off from classes and all the foreigners are skipping Friday (unspoken rule) so that we can travel farther distances.  So my friends and I are leaving tonight at 12:30am (so technically Thursday morning) and travelling through the night by bus, arriving in Granada at 1:50pm on Thursday.

We are then meeting up with my friend Meghan (from high school) and checking into our hostel: Hostal AB.  Aubrey, Meghan, and I are staying in one room and two of Aubrey's friends are staying in the same hostel but a different room.

Then we are spending the whole day on Friday at the Alhambra.  And other than that our plans are all up in the air!  Which is great!  We have information on doing a multitude of things so we have tons of options.

Then we are returning Saturday night at 6pm on a bus and getting back early Sunday morning (1ish?)  It is going to be an exhausting whirlwind trip, but should be really amazing if it all works out!

So that is the scoop folks!  I will be incommunicado for a couple of days, have a great weekend!


  1. Have fun! Takes lots of pictures! Keep an eye on you valuables in all of the touristy spots! Okay... the last was me being a dad! But DO IT!

  2. It sounds like quite the adventure. Enjoy every minute of it. And take lots of your wonderful photos!
