Wednesday, January 13, 2010

El segundo dia de clases

Even though it was incredibly disheartening to wake up to the not-too-gentle patter of rain on my roof, I did manage to make it to my second day of classes.  I was a little late by my standards, but by Spain standards I was just on time.

Today I had Grammar (again), Translation, and Literature.  Grammar was just as good as yesterday, a combination of learning and fun.  For some reason I just click with this professor, I understand his way of teaching Spanish very easily.

Translation is going to be tricky but really enjoyable and useful.  The professor is actually an English professor at the school and his English is impeccable.  He said he would only speak Spanish, but every once in a while he broke into English.  At first, I didn't realize that he was actually speaking in English a) because I was in pure Spanish mode, and b) because he has a perfect British accent!  I am so American-centered sometimes that I did not realize that someone who learned English in Europe would probably have a British accent since they are much closer.  It just kept cracking me up every time I heard it.  I think the other part is that I never have heard someone from Spain who had so mastered the Spanish language to even have a particular accent other than a Spanish one.  Perhaps this is confusing to others, or doesn't make any sense the way I am explaining it but I found it very intriguing.

Literature is going to be a beast.  The teacher speaks incredibly fast and throws a lot of information out at us and we have to read six books (in Spanish) or at least parts of them, I am not sure.  It is definitely going to be my hardest class by far, but why come all the way to Spain if I don't want to be challenged!

And, I have made some new friends!  But since this blog is public, I think it best to keep the specifics under wraps :)

Alright, well that was a pretty boring blog, more informative than anything.  A quick shout-out to my two new followers!  Thanks so much!


  1. You should get your friendss to act as tour guides, so you can find hidden/less touristy parts of the city. I believe Oviedo is supposed to have an open air market for shopping.Could fun, but be CAREFUL! OKay... had to get the Dad thing out of the way. So, do you think these are the classes you will stay with? Other their other options?

  2. Schucks, I wanted to hear about the new friends! Your classes continue to sound amazingly perfect for what you are wanting to accomplish. I do hope the literature one will not be too onerous. Have you had the conversation one yet. or is that one part of the translation one? What exactly do you do in the translation one? So many questions from your ever so interested grandmother!
