Monday, March 29, 2010

Barcelona Monday: Rambles on La Rambla

So we really began our adventure in Barcelona today.  My parents have valiantly conquered their jet-lag, and we pushed through to enjoy the walks that our are of Barcelona has to offer.  We started off at La Rambla, a mile long passageway which is very popular with tourists.  It was way crowded, but it was fun to see the street performers, flower markets, and stalls full of tourist items.  We were specifically aiming for La Boqueria, a food market that came highly recommended by our good friend Marie :) 

The flower section of La Rambla.

The bird section of La Rambla.

The market is exactly what I have always wanted.  It is rows upon rows of stalls with fresh fish, fresh fruit, fresh meat, fresh...well you get the idea.  There was every kind of food you could imagine and want, and the prices were not all that bad!  We started out with vegetarian food for lunch (again, recommended) with some delicious (and cheap) fresh fruit for desert.

First we needed coffee...but where did we get it?  That's right, Dunkin Donuts!  The real reason is though, that not many places have coffee to go, only coffee to sit and drink.  Plus it was apparently delicious!

The entrance to La Boqueria.  Can you spot Dad in the crowd?

One of the stalls of meat in La Boqueria.  It was REALLY crowded, so I could not snap too many.  Actually, just this one haha. 

Dad and I with our chorrizo on a stick with cheese. SO yummy :)

Before lunch though, we headed to the end of La Rambla, and checked out the port.  It was just very picturesque, for being as much of an international hub as it is.  So we meandered up and down the boardwalk, taking in the different angles of the city.

Mom was loving the palm trees, which were everywhere!

The port.

Action shot. Are they just about the cutest, my parents?

A boat in the port. Ok that was self explanatory.

My lovely parents in front of the port.

Finally we needed a teensy siesta, so the parents fought off their jet-lag some more (with eyes closed) and I researched where we should go after.  I finally settled on the Chocolate Museum, followed by the Parc de la Ciutadella.

The Chocolate Museum was much smaller than we expected,  but still pretty fun!  It was a combination of how chocolate was made, and statues of chocolate figures (very impressively made).  There were religious figures, and then animated Disney figures as well.  Such an interesting mix.  PLUS, our admission ticket was a bar of chocolate! How great is that!

Holding our tasty entrance "tickets"

Don Quixote, but in chocolate!

The house from UP!  That is a funny movie, rent it if you have not seen it.

Next we wandered over to the Parc, which turned out to be a great little find.  It was a neat park, perfect for a picnic on a day with better weather, and filled with statues, fountains, and buildings.  It was very leisurely, but with so many nooks and crannies that it kept it interesting.

I am in love with this fountain :)

We then headed back to La Rambla to gather some things for dinner, but what we really had for dinner was Churros con Chocolate.  They are my favorite Spanish treat (which you may know if you have been reading my blog avidly haha), and I was desperate to share them with everyone.  I think they were the perfect treat after a long day of walking!
First churros! Yay!

Finally we collapsed back at the apartment, until Dad got a second wind, and he and I headed out to explore our neighborhood at night.  We found a great tiny little plaza with a tapas bar, and sat outside (but under a heat lamp) and had fried shrimp and then a tapa of eggs potatoes and sausage.  Both tapas were delicious and totally tided over our hunger, and our constant search for fun types of meat.

Celebrating our nice tapa find.

Then we really settled in with some wine and cheese and crackers, and headed to bed (well me not so much yet, but soon!)  Tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us, with a Gaudi tour in the morning, and more fun to ensue after that I am sure!  Hasta luego :)