Wednesday, March 17, 2010

London: Part 3 (Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, fish and chips, Natural History Museum)

After the changing of the guards, we set out to enjoy the other two parks: Green and Hyde Park, as well as Kensington Gardens.  They are HUGE, but really really beautiful.  There are monuments all over the place, dedicated to soldiers, wars, Greek gods, or characters.

You can't really tell from this picture, but this was a memorial to the Canadians who died fighting for Britain.  At first inspection, we thought that a bunch of leaves had fallen on the monument, but it turned out that they were maple leafs implanted to remember the Canadians.  It was actually really impressive looking.

Not sure what this one was, but it was quite impressive as well!  Really big!

Another war memorial, they were literally all over the place.

Meghan at one of the entrances to Hyde Park.

Achilles and I, practically the same person.  

Hyde Park.

Princess Diana memorial fountain.

Peter Pan statue in Kensington Gardens.  Really neat looking.

Albert Memorial.  SUPER tall!

More of the Albert Memorial.

Kensington Palace.  Much less impressive than I was expecting...but the queen does live there sometimes!

Finally we were so exhausted that we had to find somewhere to eat!  We went to the Notting Hill neighborhood (yes, just like the movie!) and found a little place to get the traditional fish and chips.  It was PERFECT and exactly what we needed at the time.  

We then mustered and went onto the Natural History Museum.  It was free, which was great.  It was very interesting, but most of the stuff was reproductions which was not as impressive as we were really looking for.  Still a great experience, but we were glad we didn't have to pay!

Meghan and I learning about fishies :)

Well this is long enough... more to follow!


  1. Wonderful photos, Sam. You are giving us a grand tour of essential London! And this was all on the first day, with no sleep? Amazing.

  2. I know it was a war memorial, but the maple leafs part kills me hahahah. They would. Also I thought there were two Achilles monuments you did such a good job impersonating :)
    missss youu <3
