Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lexa's last day: Oviedo!

Well today was quite the interesting day!  It started off as we discovered that we could not change travelers checks in any banks in Oviedo.  Fun times!  After that, Lex set off to explore Oviedo on her own, while I was in school, and then we were to meet back up at the Cathedral for my art field trip.

Here is the interesting thing: that did not happen at all!  Lex did see quite a bit of the city, but instead of following my verrrrrry clearly laid out directions, she went a different way and ended up at a little church instead of the huge cathedral.  She was exactly on time there, but was 45 minutes late to our meeting at the Cathedral!

As you can only imagine I was panic-stricken by the whole thing.  I was waiting and waiting and finally started checking possible places she could be, fastwalking throughout all of Oviedo in a complete panic that I had lost my little sister!  Finally she found the Cathedral and we both just burst into tears.  You have to keep in mind too that it was freezing here today, making everything seem just that more frantic.

However, we put the hour behind us, joined the tail end of the field trip and then headed out to explore the city.  It was a very enjoyable time after that haha, and I loved being able to show off my little city.

Peacock in Parque San Francisco

Finally we made it to Calle Gascona to meet up with some of my friends and have a nice dinner at a great Sidreria.  I don't know if I have talked about Sidra before, but it is the typical Asturian beverage here, a sort of fermented hard cider, but is poured from over the waiters head.  It has something to do with aerating it or algo asi, but it looks really cool to the diner.

Lindsey, Shani, and Aubrey

Calle Gascona

To eat, Lex and I had a delicious tortilla, some croquetas, and a sausage and potato dish.  It was way too much food but we ate it all like champions!  And it was amazingly rich.  We had to unbutton our pants to get up from the table, but it was well worth it.

Tortilla and Croquetas

Potatoes, red peppers, and sausage

All this food for just five little girls!  But so worth it :)

I think that is all for now.  It is kind of discombobulated, but I wanted to get something down before I leave for London tomorrow, and won't get back until Tuesday very early in the morning.

Hasta luego!


  1. Thanks, Sam, for such a good report of your visit with Lex - you must have been really distraught when Lex was missing! I am so glad she was found.
