Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"De donde sois?" Sam and Lexa are awkward in Luanco.

Our original daytrip plan for Wednesday did not work out, but going with the flexible Spanish way of life, we adapted quickly and planned to go to Luanco for a picnic lunch.  Plus, there was this really cute maritime museum that I thought would be a nice change of pace.

To put it mildly, it did not work out exactly as we might have planned it...  The museum was very easy to find, and we happily trotted up to the entrance and were immediately met by a brusque looking man with a scowl and a very very heavy accent.  It was practically impossible to understand him.  He also did not seem to understand why two young adults were interested in coming to a museum in the middle of the day.  Very reluctantly he accepted our money and gave us our tickets, but he watched us the whole time we were there!  Finally he asked us if we were from Luanco, and when he realized we were from the U.S.A., he calmed down a bit.  But still, very interesting.

Either way, we awkwardly wended our way around the museum and got to see some pretty cool stuff.  There were all sorts of model boats, some natural history items, and really cool ships in a bottle.  Well worth the awkwardness and feeling creeped out haha.  I think we definitely rushed through the museum a little bit, but it was certainly good for a laugh!

(Me saying, "ahhhh well, it was worth a shot!")

We then ventured out to explore the rest of the city.  The thing was...there was not very much to it.  We saw some nice ocean views and a really pretty chapel, but we got done pretty quickly and headed back home.  This way we could regroup a little bit before tomorrow and enjoy the heck out of Thursday in Oviedo!

So I had initially thought that was going to be the end of the blog, because we had no more plans for the rest of the day.  Turns out though, the evening was quite eventful!  First, we went and got some more churros con chocolate with my friend Aubrey (who had felt left out that we had gone without her the other day).  That was always enjoyable and filling.  Then when dinnertime rolled around, I took Lex to a Doner Kebap place for some Doner Ternura, my personal favorite.  It is basically a pita with shaved meat, lettuce, tomato, onion, and some great sauces, and of course french fries on the side.  

That was not the best part though!  We ran into an English guy who was ordering ahead of us, realized we were foreigners and we ended up chatting with him while we waited for a little bit.  Then the server, whose name was Muhammed, realizing we spoke English, comes out in perfect English and starts talking about how he used to live and work in New York city, in the Bronx!  What a small world!  I mean, ok, it is not like we live in the Bronx, but still.  To run into two people who spoke fluent English in a city like Oviedo is very rare.  It was so much fun!  Lex and I were giggling all the way home.  AND the food was absolutely delicious.  

Tomorrow: we explore Oviedo!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! In that first picture of Lex is that a green crab? Because you know "they pinch readily"! Or at least a wise person once said.
