Thursday, March 18, 2010

London: Part 5 (Tate Modern, Globe Theatre, English Breakfast, Covent Market)

So we wandered across Millennium Bridge to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.  It is a replica, and we did not actually go inside (we are starving college students after all), but it was still pretty cool to be standing next to.  Yes, it was not the original, but you still got that sense of importance and almost magic of Shakespeare's time.  Just to think of the playwrights who walked on the same (ok, well similar) ground that we were walking on, it gives me chills!

That's me, though I kind of blend in!

After that, it was on to the Tate Modern!  Meghan and I were pretty excited to mix it up and throw an art museum in there, in contrast with all of the monuments (which of course were exquisite), but a change of pace would be nice!  

There were so many famous pieces and artists scattered amongst some really neat unknown (to me) artists.  There were Dali and Picasso and Monet and Matisse, and just tons of artists.  I was in awe walking from room to room.  We were NOT allowed to take pictures, but whoops, I did not realize that until we got yelled at.  So here are my three illegal pictures: 

By the end of this all, my wagon was sagging, and I was starving.  The hard thing about London though, is balancing price with authenticity.  It is a lot easier to eat something cheap and fast, but that doesn't give you the best English experience.  However, we got some really great food for an amazing price.  AND it was a full English breakfast, which was not only authentic but SCRUMPTIOUS.  We had eggs, tomatoes, bacon, sausage, toast, mushrooms, hashbrowns, and beans, and we ate every last bite.

Then we continued on to the Covent Market, which was a hotbed of artists, performers, food, and just about everything you could imagine, from high fashion jewelry, to paper flowers, to London paraphernalia, to jugglers.  It was great to just wander around, even though we did not purchase much!

Coming up: Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, and the London Eye!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and I were told that the English do not actually EAT the "English breakfast"--i.e. fried EVERYTHING!Fianlly, one of the B&B owners offered us scrambled eggs and cereal... we JUMPED at the opportunity! Did you ever have a Ploughman's lunch?
