Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sevilla: Day 2

So I have good news, better news, and some fantastic news.  I am not sure which order they really go in, but here goes: firstly, Lexa comes in less than five days!  I could not be more thrilled.  Secondly, I booked tickets to LONDON for the day after she leaves.  Thirdly, my computer is now fixed (I am currently on it now), so I have absolutely no excuse to not continue updating on Sevilla.  

Saturday started off rainy and blustery.  Apparently almost all of Spain was buckling down for hurricane-like winds (it ended up missing us), but the wind was still very intense at times.  Luckily, we managed to miss the majority of the rain while we went along on our outside activities.  

First up was the Gypsy Market in one of the main plazas in Sevilla.  It was really neat, tons of trinkets and touristy items.  I purchased some really great pillow cases for my apartment next year, and other touristy items (postcards etc).  We actually accidentally met up with some other girls from Oviedo who we had been planning on connecting with later.  They were shopping around as well until we continued on to the Alcazar!

Touristy carriage rides, though we did not participate.

The Alcazar is a castle/palace built by the Christians but in a style that imitated the Alhambra (I am like ninety percent sure that is right anyway, haha).  It was all of the same beautiful architecture and tiles that the Alhambra had, but obviously on a much, much smaller scale.  Unfortunately, the gardens were closed, but we could still walk around the edge and take some peeks.  

Entrance to the Alcazar

If you look really closely, you can see La Giralda in the upper right.

Meghan and I

The Oviedo girls: Me, Shani, Amanda, and Tess

I am just in love with the architecture!

All we could see of the gardens :(

After that, the weather really started going downhill, so we headed to go find some food.  I had so much good food in Sevilla, I have actually decided to dedicate an entire blog entry to the gastronomic delights that we were lucky enough to try.  Something for y'all to look forward to!  

We finally stumbled back to Meghan's apartment, exhausted, and settled down for a little respite!

Coming up...Sevilla: Night 2...A relaxing night on the river bank!


  1. Fine! Here I am sitting on the edge of seat for--
    I fell off, but nothing an ice pack won't take care of.
    I want to hear about the FOOD!!!!
    Lovely pictures as usual. Really makes me want to start travelling. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.

  2. I promise not to tell anyone...good thing that this is not in some sort of public place...!
