Monday, March 1, 2010

Sevilla: Night 1

After a small break to regroup in Meghan's apartment, we headed out to see some Flamenco.  I had always wanted to see some real flamenco, but it tends to be pretty expensive, especially in the tourist areas.  However, the good thing about going to visit a semi-native, is that she knew a local bar where we could see authentic flamenco for the cost of a drink!

It was one of the most interesting and amazing things I have ever seen.  There were two guitarists, one singer, and one dancer.  The guitarists were superb.  It is the kind of music that you could just listen to for hours and never be bored, never really think about anything, just be completely absorbed in the guitar.  The singer was pretty good as well, and the dancer was spectacular as well.  The whole thing was absolutely mesmerizing.

It was so nice to see the city in a relaxed fashion.  My favorite part of it all was just wandering around with Meghan, having her show me corners of the city that she has come to love.  Too often we rush around cities trying to take it all in as quickly as possible, but I very strongly believe that it is also important to stop and smell the roses, especially in a beautiful city like Sevilla.  

Coming up...Sevilla: Day 2...including the Alcazar, Gypsy Market, and meeting up with friends from Oviedo.


  1. Sometimes, if you stop and smell the roses... there might be a bee sleeping inside the rose...and then the bee gets angry that your nose-breath has woken it up... it stings you right on the tip of your nose... and you go running through the streets of Sevilla screaming, "Aiiiieeeee!"... and people shake their heads in disgust say amongst themselves, "Norteamericano tonto!"

    So... stop smelling roses. If you want... stop and EAT the roses.

  2. Haha. Thanks for that great advice Dadoo! I will certainly, certainly take that under advisement!
