Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lex and Sam go to Llanes!

Today's excursion was to Llanes, a little ocean town about 2hrs away by bus.  It is well renowned for "Los cubos de la memoria," these huge cubes of stone which were painted by various artistas.  It turns out though, that  Llanes is also home to some beautiful coastlines as well!

When we got off the bus we were a teensy bit hungry, but wanted to find a picturesque spot to eat so we settled down on some craggy rock overlooking this huge bay with great rock formations.  We had a great picnic lunch with our Spanish tortillas, chilling and overlooking some great vistas!  The weather decided to be on our side and was the perfect combination of cold and warm.  Just lovely when the sun was out!

We then wandered down a little closer to the water and then up a hill to a spot overlooking the two bays and all of the cubes etc.  It was just exquisite every direction you turned!

I was armed with a little tourist map and kept looking for this "lighthouse" which was supposedly right around the corner.  Finally, I jokingly pointed to a water fountain and told Lex this was actually the lighthouse.  As I turned around from making fun of it, we found it!  It was incorporated into a house, so we almost missed it!!!

Fake lighthouse (also known as a water fountain haha)

Actual lighthouse.

We then meandered our way through the town, snapping pictures and taking our time.  We explored a bit of the back streets until we made our way up to the main path to go out and see the cubos.  They were really interesting, and very massive.  We were not as impressed with the art as we were expecting, but the pure magnitude of all these huge chunks of rock lining the pier was quite impressive.

Lex trudging up the long flights of stairs. So much climbing!

The great part about planning your own trip is that you get to decide when you are done.  So we cut our journey shorter than planned and headed home for another Spanish treat: Churros con Chocolate!  I knew that Lexa could absolutely positively not leave without trying this Spanish delicacy/snack.  It was the perfect ending to another great excursion.

Lexa's first churros con chocolate!

The first time I have ever finished ALL my churros AND all my chocolate!!!

Tomorrow, we are off to Luanco during the day, and the tourist spots of Oviedo during the afternoon/evening!  Hasta pronto!


  1. What does it say about me that I read your blogs and am compiling a list of foods I must have in Spain? I am still loving all the photos--made all the better by my two smiling hijas.

  2. To Howard: They ARE beautiful aren't they.

  3. Oh I loooove churros con xocolata. The best places to get these in Barcelona are two shops in an alley called c/ Petritxol in the Gothic quarter. Mmmmm.
    http://www.lapallaresa.com/La_Pallaresa/Home.html is one. I forget the name of the other but it's across the alley. Petritxol is by Pi Plaza and Portaferrisa walk-street on the map.

  4. Dad and Grandma: Aw thanks, we have pretty good genes :)

    Marie: that is awesome thank you! I know dad has been dying to try some, so we will have to check it out!
