Tuesday, March 16, 2010

London: Part 1 (Arrival)

So I have successfully returned from my weekend in London, and there is A LOT to say!  I was trying to think about ways to break it up, but I think there is no really easy way to do it.  I am just going to stop and start where I feel like it!  I believe that there may be a ton of sections...so I apologize in advance (especially for this first section which has not many pictures).

To start out, the journey to London was itself an adventure.  I was incredibly nervous to travel to London for some reason, possibly because there were so many steps to get there that I had not yet experienced before.  I first had to take a bus to Santander airport, then fly into Stansted in London, then wait for Meghan for a bit, until hopping on a bus to get to the tube to get to our hostel.  I was deathly afraid that some part of it would not work out and that I would get stuck somewhere.

The first leg was a little bit of a close call actually.  My bus from Oviedo was late, which meant that I had very little time to get from the bus stop to the gate where I was supposed to be.  Luckily I am a very fast runner and made it there on time (barely).

That little mishap though suddenly became small potatoes in comparison to the tricky situations that came next...I got in at about 9pm and needed to wait for Meghan until 11:55pm.  That was no problem, I got a guidebook and read up on where we wanted to see.  However, after waiting and waiting for her to arrive with the other swarms of people who were streaming out of the gates from her flight, she was nowhere to be found.

Finally I get a phone call.  I turned out her visa was outdated (which she knew), but that every time she traveled to other countries, it did not reboot like she had thought.  They took her into a white room, gave her some food, and interrogated her for over three hours on every little detail of her travels.  I would have been scared out of my mind! As it was, I was terrified on the other side of the gate, feeling no small amount of self-pity on being left alone in a foreign country.  To make a long story short, after dozing in my seat and waiting to see her come around the corner, she finally came out.

We then had about 2 hrs until the first bus into the city of London, so we grabbed some cappuccinos and finally left at 6am and got to the hostel at about 8am.  We chilled for about an hour and then headed off to explore the great city of London!

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