Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lexa has arrived!

Lexa (my sister, though everybody knows that) has arrived!  It was obviously an incredibly long travel day, and she has been awake for 24hrs straight, but it was a MUCH simpler trip than mine, if I might add.

She did do the same trip as me though: Albany to Phillie to Paris to Oviedo.  It can be exhausting, but she managed to do all the changing with great skill and aplomb.

Paris, the part that was so very tricky for me on the way here, was quite easy for her.  She was met at the airport with someone holding a sign for her to direct her to gate G (which is incredibly difficult to find normally), and they led her exactly to where she was supposed to go!  So simple.

In any rate, we were going to go on a walk to try and tire her out so she could sleep off her jetlag tonight, but her tiredness has already hit her.  As I am writing this, she is curled up on my bed snoring away.  I am allowing 20 minutes, a quick shower to perk her up, some plain pasta with redsauce and a movie, and then into bed with her!  Plus, I have a huge test tomorrow which I would like to study for as well...we shall see.

Anyway, that is all for now.  Just know that we are safe and sound, and ready to head to Gijon tomorrow!


  1. You thought negotiating the Paris airports was tough?!! Good luck waking her up!

  2. Tell me about it! She is ALREADY back in bed. It is like pulling teeth! Haha, but I understand. No sleep for 24 hrs does no one any good!

  3. Have a grand visit you two - I look forward to the blogs!
