Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sevilla: Night 2

It may not sound like it, but we ran ourselves ragged.  We walked around the entire city, seeing the important things, but also wandering around in a relaxed fashion for the majority of the day.  So by the time we got home, we were pretty tuckered out! It was very hard the first night to muster to go see flamenco, but it obviously was very very worth it!  That being said, it was very hard to fight the urge to sit in Meghan's apartment and chill Saturday night.  Exhausted, in a food coma, we wanted to just sit on her couch and watch movies.  However, we rallied like champions and journeyed into the beautiful night.

I was absolutely enchanted with the river in Sevilla, a mere five minute walk from Meghan's apartment.  So when we needed a leisurely activity for the night, I suggested grabbing a drink by the river.  It was absolutely a picturesque and perfect night.  Spain knows exactly what aspects of a city to highlight.  Bridges, fountains, churches, etc are all lit up until late into the night.  It makes all the cities seem so much more exotic and sophisticated.  They are not tacky lights at all, just very, I don't know.  Let's just say I love them.

The other interesting thing about the river was how high it was.  I don't remember if I mentioned it already, but the South has been having quite a bit of rain recently.  In other areas it has caused serious flooding and casualties.  In Sevilla however, the river was quite quite high.  It was overflowing the banks at one point, spreading out onto the platform lining it.  Sidewalks along were flooded as well; you could just see the railings going straight into the water and a little further on pop out again.

This wasn't even the most dramatic part!

Meghan, perplexed by the flooding :)

So Meghan and I wandered the beautiful river, sat out at a table and just chilled.  It was just perfect.  I honestly am running out of adequate adjectives to describe the weekend.  But that is a great problem to have, I would say!!!

Coming up...the last of Sevilla: FOOD!!!

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