Friday, March 26, 2010

Comments on travelling.

It is good y'all are keeping me honest, because my lovely grandmother reminded me that I had promised to make some comments about travelling.  I had remembered but secretly hoped no one else would haha because I have been battling a cold for the past couple of days.

That being said though, this semester has been a very interesting experience for me, especially because of all the travel I have been lucky enough to participate in.  I have had a lot of "firsts" here, and in London I had my first dorm-style hostel experience.  I thought it was going to be a lot worse than it was, but the reality was that it was not that bad of a situation.  Yes, it was a little awkward, but we were usually so exhausted by the end of the day, we just collapsed into bed and slept straight through until morning!

The interesting thing that we did notice was the diversity in the different nationalities and how they are tourists.  For example, we had a lovely Finnish couple who were super nice to us, but a French group who was very rude.  The Germans were very loud, and the Americans were surprisingly shy.  I am obviously not saying that this is a generalization of their entire cultures, it was just very interesting to see all of the different groups interact.  I have become so used to being in non-touristy areas, that it was a refreshing change of pace to be in an area where everyone stuck out like a sore-thumb (and therefore blended in!).

This isn't really related, I just thought it was interesting.  "Give way" instead of yield. Haha, oh the English. 

This is so much more direct!  Not warning, this could cause problems.  Nope, direct and to the point!

Ok that may be all for now, but my FIFTIETH blog entry is tomorrow!  Be prepared!


  1. Thanks, darlin. I was looking forward to your comments. Now you know I really pay attention!
    It is creeping up on "Parents Day" Excited?

  2. I am so exciteddddddd! And thank you for paying attention :)
