Sunday, March 28, 2010

Barcelona Sunday

We have arrived safe and sound!  It took a bit of traveling (about half a day for all of us) to get here, but it was well worth it!  Barcelona is beautiful already, and we have only seen a small section of the city.

Our apartment is so cute.  It has three pretty good sized bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, and dining room/living room, which gives us the luxury to take a break mid-day and not feel like we are just sitting on hotel beds.  Plus we have two little balconies that look out onto the street.  Very cute and I love it!

We basically started out wandering the city area around our apartment, until we ended up at the tapas bar right across from our apartment.  It turned out to be delicious and simple though, exactly what we were looking for.  Then, after a quick pitstop for some pastries and a bathroom break, we headed out to wander (and try to keep the parents from succumbing to jet-lag).  We ended up stumbling upon the Picasso Museum, which happened to be free on Sundays!  It was only open for another half an hour, but we zoomed in and saw a really interesting progression of his early work morphing into his more modern stuff.  It was fascinating, and fantastic that it was free!

After that, we were pretty tuckered out.  My parents are already in bed, and I am headed that way (it was a long bus ride), but just wanted to give a quick update!  Tomorrow we head to Las Ramblas and the port.  Hasta Luego!

p.s. pictures to follow!

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