Wednesday, March 24, 2010

London: Part 7 (FINALE: Westminster Abbey)

As my lovely mother pointed out to me, I forgot to finish the last entry of the London seven-part saga (sorry for so many parts!) so I thought I should polish it off before I head off to my exciting week of Semana Santa!

The morning of our last day, we visited Westminster Abbey first thing in the morning.  The line was very long, and the Abbey was very expensive, but it was worth it all.  We were not allowed to take pictures, so I only have some of the outside, but it was my second favorite place that we visited.  Every inch of the Abbey was covered in statues, tombs, and memorials to every famous English person that you can think of (Queen Elizabeth, Charles Darwin, and Geoffrey Chaucer to name a small small fraction).  It would take hours to even realize exactly what we were looking at, but it was neat to wander around "collecting" famous people in our heads.

After that, Meghan and I went our separate ways, she to Sevilla and I to Santander and eventually Oviedo.  It was a whirlwind of a trip, but I am happy with the amount of sightseeing we were able to fit into such a short period of time.  We did not miss out on anything and were able to enjoy everything without feeling rushed (somehow) and it was an amazing weekend.

I think that is finally all for London! We are done! Terminados! Yay!  Thank you for being patient :)


  1. Lovely - but, you forgot the promised comments on England and traveling in general.

    You continue to do an amazing job. I was just looking forward to those comments!
