Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sevilla: COMIDA :)

Apart from all the amazing sights, visiting Meghan, the experience of travelling, blah blah blah etc., the food was my favorite part of my weekend in Sevilla.  Since I was not spending any money on a hostel, and had taken a bus to conserve money as well, I decided to use my funds wisely on food.  I don't have a host family, as most of the students here do, so I often miss out on the food culture of Spain.  If I only eat out while I travel though, I can taste the different treats from all around Spain, a sound plan if I do say so myself!

Tapas, are ABSOLUTELY the way to go if you are in Spain.  They are not always free like in Granada, but they are very reasonably priced, large portions, and an easy way to try a bunch of different foods in one sitting.  You may not all be interested, but I am going to share all of the delicious delicacies that we tried in Sevilla.  I even have pictures!


Montaditos are little finger sandwiches which are surprisingly filling, but you still order around 5 of them at a time.  It was a great way to try a bunch of different flavors to see if I liked them, without the pressure of a whole sandwich.  I had: salmon with cream cheese, lomo with alioli sauce, chicken with alioli sauce, tortilla with sauce, and crab with a red sauce.  In case you are wondering, lomo is pork tenderloin and ali oli is a sort of garlic and olive oil sauce (absolutely delicious).  All of it was fantastic, though my personal fave was the salmon and cream cheese.

This is the only picture that is not mine, but this is exactly how ours looked!

Tapas Round 1

For dinner, Meghan had wanted to take me to this great little Tapas place that she knew.  However, we sat outside, and apparently the patio was divided between two restaurants and we sat on the wrong side!  It turned out to be a great mistake however, because the food was amazing.  

We split all of our tapas no matter where we went, to try the most amount of things.  At this place we had grilled swordfish, potatoes with alioli sauce, potatoes with mozarella, and fried calamari.  We tried to do potatoes so that we would be full, but the portions were so big we ended up regretting that a little!  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to stand up directly after, so we sat for a while haha.  Again, everything was fantastically delicious!

Starting with the black dish and going clockwise: swordfish, potatoes with alioli, calamari, potatoes with mozarella.


Each morning Meghan and I ate at this little cafe next to her apartment that she had always wanted to try.  We each tried new pastries and had some cafe con leche to prepare ourselves for the day.  It was really really good.  Eventually, I did hit one pastry that was not my favorite, but that is bound to happen!  One morning we tried a typical Sevillian dish called torrijas.  It is almost like french toast except with honey, white wine, and eggs as the base.  It was pretty good I have to say (and is in the picture below).

Tapas Round 2:

The second day for lunch we couldn't get into any of the restaurants we wanted to try, which once again worked out in our favor!  We ended up in this little tapas place, outside, and tried some great things!  We got cola de toro, which is a delicacy in Sevilla, and is literally the tail of the bull.  I know, it sounds vaguely unappetizing but it was absolutely delicious AND more importantly, a purely Spanish dish.  We also had potatoes with alioli (our fave), pravia de bacalao (fried cod), and croquetas de jamon (little balls of fried potatoes with ham).  Once again, everything was so good and we left incredibly stuffed as usual!

Bottom left: pravia de bacalao, left: croquetas de jamon, top: cola del toro, right: patatas con alioli.

Well I think that is FINALLY it for Sevilla! I promise!  Though there are probably going to be a lot more updates since Lex comes on Sunday, and then I leave for London with Meghan on Friday!  Such a crazy hectic awesome lucky time I have coming up!

Hasta pronto :)


  1. Calamari and BULLS TAIL?!!!! Who ARE you and what have you done with my daughter?

  2. You know I am not going to be happy unless I eat BULLS TAIL when I am over there. Is it served with potatos? Yummm!

  3. a) I am the same daughter who is your carnivore and eats all kinds of interesting things with you.

    b) I know you won't be able to leave without eating it, and thusly I have tried to get you excited about coming with the temptation of FOOD. Why do you think I have a whole blog entry about it? :)

  4. Love the new banner! Great job! MoM

  5. you are killing me! how can i not be there for this??? and might you comment on your beverage selections?? you might want to try and get your father to eat pigs ears, too (altho i suggest YOU skip them!)and have you had boquerones? I think i should have eaten before i read this segment...
    love to you and Lexa both
    ahbe clin
